Sunday, September 7, 2008

35 Things

A friend had this on her blog so I thought I would fill it out!

1. Never in my life: Have I spent so much time on the computer
2. When I was five: I lived in Missouri
3. High School was: OK, but I wouldn't want to be there now
4. I will never forget: when my shoulder rest fell off my viola in a big solo performance
5. I once met: The Boston Pops conductor (I don't know his name :)
6. There’s this girl I know who: slept with the Boston Pops conductor while he was engaged while we were at a music camp (yes he still got married)
7. Once, at a bar: I watched some friends play in a rock band called "Jedi Mind Trick". no, I wasn't drinking!
8. By noon, I’m usually: behind on cleaning
9. Last night: Was Saturday.
10. If I only had: finished cleaning on Friday
11. Next time I go to church: I would like a new outfit to wear
12. What worries me most: my kids or husband dying anytime soon
13. When I turn my head left, I see: the doors to the side patio
14. When I turn my head right, I see: a door to the den
15. You know I’m lying when: I'm a bad liar. You'll know
16. What I miss most about the eighties: folding my tapered pant legs. j/k
17. If I were a character in Shakespeare, I’d be: no comment
18. A better name for me would be: hmmmmmmmm well if it was Trish nobody would mispronounce it.
19. I have a hard time understanding: how Duane can enjoy his job, and math
20. If I ever go back to school, I’ll: go insane, I went long enough!!
21. You know I like you if: I am e-mailing you
22. If I ever won an award, the first person I’d thank would be: depends
23. Take my advice, never: drive through Kansas for the view
24. My ideal breakfast is: pancakes or french toast, bacon, and OJ
25. A song I love, but do not have is: Apologize
26. If you visit my hometown, I suggest: not coming between mid April and September (to pheonix)
27. Why won’t people: get a clue
28. If you spend the night at my house: don't worry it's just my two youngest walking down the hall in the middle of the night.
29. I’d stop my wedding for: a lot of money
30. The world could do without: terrorists, and long waits when going out to eat.
31. I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: drink my own urine? sorry I saw that on a show before. Maybe those are a tie.
32. My favorite blonde is: Elle Woods from Legally blonde
33. Paper clips are more useful than: lots of things I don't care to think of right now
34. If I do anything well, it’s: check my e-mail
35. And by the way: please fill this out and put it on your blog or e-mails


Tina ♥ said...

jedi mind trick? You know I had to ask...tell me later. folding our pant legs was cool. Don't worry, I'm a terrible liar, too.
my email in-box says that you like me. I did not like question #31, and yes, you are a very efficient emailer!

Liz said...

I do remember folding the pant legs but I personally liked the spandex pants with an oversized shirt tied to the side. Comeon you know you wore it that way too.

Kyle said...

Hi Tricia! I was blog hopping and found yours! It was fun to see some pics of your family...I would love to keep in touch and get together blog is

Shauna said...

That was fun to read! I agree about spending so much time on the computer!

Team Dana said...

Thought we'd barge in and say "Hi"! We were wondering what you guys are up to lately. We just moved back from Dallas. Hopefully, we can see you soon!

Alyssa said...

Hi Tricia!! I found your blog. Add us to your list!